Why We Do It

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

We do this work because we revere the miracle of the natural world, its beauty and wholeness. And we believe that reversing the perilous environmental course we are on requires all of us to step up, connect, and take action.

Earth Island Institute is dedicated to supporting a diverse network of grassroots projects and creating solutions to interconnected environmental challenges and threats facing our planet and humanity.

Our core priorities are supporting groundbreaking activist projects, recognizing a new generation of youth environmental leaders, and reaching the public and our leaders with new and innovative ways to protect and enhance the well-being of our planet and all the species that live on it.

Our activist network is visible, expert, diverse, and interactive. Our work is based on our guiding principles that place special value on:

Nature ǀ Innovation ǀ Passion ǀ Boldness ǀ Compassion

We are encouraged by the thousands of passionate, creative people who make it possible for us to respond to the urgent environmental issues of our time. Together, we are making a difference.